Liberia West Africa 2024 Mission Trip

Kingdom Greetings in the matchless and marvelous name of Jesus Christ. I am excited to update you on the MRM International 2024 mission trip to Liberia West Africa. During our 3rd Annual Rural Ministerial Conference, we conducted ministry workshops with the Theme: Building a Healthy Church” We visited the Eliza Davis Baptist Memorial School, the school MRM International Sponsor Orphan Children as well as where the Dr. Mark Rowden Computer Lab is established. We visited one of the MRM International churches, Evangel World Outreach under the leadership of Pastor Rev. Juhah Kanmoh who also serves as the MRM International Secretary Liberia. Bishop Mark Rowden visited the Liberia Baptist Theological Seminary and was escorted to the newly renovated campus chapel by site President Dr. Momolu A. Massaquoi. Bishop Rowden provided funds for a new keyboard for the chapel dedication which has been purchased. (see gallery for photos).

Some of the current projects for MRM is to help restart the feeding program at Grace Baptist Church in Sinoe County Greenville. We are also raising funds to dig a pumping well in the county. One of our major goals is to purchase a four-wheel drive terrain vehicle for the ministry team in Liberia to pick up ministry goods shipped to Monrovia from the United States. Collectively, these two projects alone will cost $35,000. Your contributions will help significantly and it will make a difference across the region. You can donate by sending your tax-deductible contribution to $MRMGLOBAL. You can send contributions through all of our other means by simply clicking the donate button on any page. Thank you in advance for your contributions.

MRM International and its Ambassadors and staff continue to collaborate with our ministry partners in building a better community globally.